Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Sunday, December 20, 2009

hey guys just some inspiration
i met this woman about 2 weeks ago and thought her story was radical and appropriate.
i mean basically its what we're doing taken to a masters level..

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I have written copy for Tine's program and Rasmus', pasted below. If anybody else needs anything, let me know today. Thanks

Possible line for business cards:

Everyone in the world can become a leader in saving it.


New caption for Jane Goodall

Green Leader #13
Wildlife researcher and conservationist
Talk to the chimps. Save their families and yours.


Hang out with chimps while saving rain forests in Africa.

Introduction paragraph for website:

Want to make a difference? Want to be a leader? What 2B is a club where you can learn about the most exciting and important jobs in the world and how you can get one. You’ll meet all kinds of leaders who are working to make our planet healthy for future generations – from explorers to scientists to chefs, construction workers, farmers, business men and women, designers and even bankers. Find out what’s possible, join the club. IT’S FREE. AND IT’S COOL. AND IT’S GREEN. Get started here.


Are you certified as a leader?

You are cordially invited to apply for the most prestigious leadership award in the world, and the one that counts the most. For the first time, 2041 will be recognizing the corporations that have made the greatest strides in making their businesses more environmentally sound. Our winners, representing every category of industry and judged by a panel of respected scientists and engineers, will be honored in a special supplement of the Economist, and celebrated at a televised event.

Please join Robert Swan, founder of 2041, and HRH Prince Charles in this critical endeavor, and demonstrate your leadership to the world.

smaller copy:

2041 is a..... (pick up from their web site.



The 2041 Corporate Leadership Award

(You can design this poster as if it’s announcing an event where he will be presenting the winners of the 2041 Corporate Leadership Award)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

E-mail Notifications

Hey all, I figured out how to do e-mail notifications when a new post has been made. I've added all your e-mails so you should have been notified of this post. If you guys could comment if you've received this that would be great so I can know if it works.


Saturday, November 28, 2009

make up class

hey guys to remind u all

we meeting at at Monday NOV 30 – 6 PM

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

hey guys

emailed cheyenne about 2041/robert swan high res images 2 weeks ago but she havent got back yet, so wondering if any of you have the email to the other person that was up for grabs?


Monday, November 16, 2009

2 0 4 1 

In general when writing this I’m thinking of 2041 as something larger. And though I’m not the biggest supporter of growth I’m convinced this organization has to grow.  

Robert Swan would still be the leading character but it cant be dependent on him. Its not efficient and it will not be possible for him to go on as he’s doing. He needs a plan.

2041 needs to have a simple message to circle around, a main goal. ex 

”preserve Antarctica”

”become a leader in saving the environment”

”journey for cleaner energy”

2041 needs a headquarter, preferably in London. 

2041 needs money, to get started they should look in to government funding and private sponsors. Then they should have membership based supporters. 

You become a supporting member for $30-50 a year. 

In return you get a magazine 6 times a year. 

Other gadgets for members could be:

– A really nice poster to hang on the wall, made by an artist. A new poster are produced every year on the theme Antarctica or environment (a suggestion of a poster could be: 10 daily things u can do to live green)

– A wall calender

– Stickers

NB > No unnecessary products, no teddy bears, mugs etc. All the things are made by recycled paper and easy (flat) to send in the mail.


The magazine will be high quality and also possible to buy in normal stores. The magazine is about environmetlal concern but not entirely. A wide magazine that’s interesting for different ages (see The Big Issue, New York, The New Yorker, Life Magazine) with top articles by top journalists and great photography/illustrations. 




Before or instead of having a certification (below) the company have a day of green thinking. With the help from 2041 (a person or a visual guide, possibly from the web page) the company does everything to minimaze it’s footprint. They switch light bulbs, recycle, look in to unneccery use of energy and use of products (wich also save alot of money) etc. 


Certificate B

Having a person from 2041 to educate the management and staff in using less energy, recycle etc. After this the company gets a 2 month test period to change things around, if the pass the company gets an environmental certificate. The 2041 restrictions will be strict. If a company passes the 2041 restriction this means that they accomplish something that is though to achieve. A person from 2041 will show once a year to see if they are still valid of having the certificate. Passing this test gives the company the certificate. Having Certificate B results in:

– Get a diploma

– Show it on their web page

– Have it in their marketing towards costumers (yeah, we gotCertificate B)

Certificate A

The company looks at what in the production and office they can change to have a minimal footprint. That is; what can the company do to cut fossil fuels/energy consumption. And they do it (for real), people from 2041 control the process every 2 month. It is also highly recommended that a company donates money to the FUND. 

Having Certificate A results in:

–  Allow them to use the logo on their products

–  Be shown at the web page under the file ”certificated corporations 2009”. 

–  Have ads in the magazine to a reduced price

–  Have Robert Swan come talking


The logo will communicate ”good will” and be proof to customers that this company does what it can to minimize its footprint and also paying attention to global warming and Antarctica. The most important thing with this is trust. The consumer must be sure that this is not another green wash logo. Therefore the restrictions to be allowed to use the logo are very strict and will be fully explained (with real world examples) on the 2041 web page. An idea is to use similar standards as WWF.


Money can be donated in a fund. Will keep 2041 running and focus on preservation of Antarctica and education. 2041 also make deals with companies to be visible sponsors and linked to the yatch, education etc.


Don’t believe in having a lot of different things to hand out, the web page is the best tool. The page today looks ok but are to boring and messy. I know nothing of webdesign and would suggest that someone with knowladge in this give it a go.

Printed matter would contain:

1 simple catalog, who says it all (not 4 or 5)


Overall identity (overall graphics, letterhead, business card etc.)


the two first images with logos are suggestions, and the last one are logos that i like, i think all the logos in this page actually could work. no 1 is my favorite, then no 2 and so on.. no 6 is modified versions for logo no 1 to work in a very small size.  know you liked the red, but are afraid that it can be mixed with the canadian flag or a fire station. feel that the blue are more in line with communicating the right message. best, rasmus

Sunday, November 15, 2009

chei_2041 flash intro to 2041 website

      Using one of the logos i made for 2041, I thought of creating the opening
      page (by using Flash) before it gets into the actual 2041 website.
      This illustration basically summarizes what 2041 is about, introducing its logo,
      showing how many years are left, where we are now, and what this organization 
      is about (preservation of Antarctica). 

chei_2041 logos

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

The colors got very messed up after I uploaded it, but here are expansions of four of my logos from last week. Click on them for bigger size and to have them not cut off at the edge.




Viral High School Campaign Outline

Download PDF at

ok here we go. seems like they get larger if u click on the images

all the best /rasmus

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Cheryl wanted me to let you guys know that we're meeting this Wednesday and to have work posted in the blog before then.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

See you all on Wednesday

Hi everybody,

we meet again on Wednesday, the 11th. See you there.


So I have posted a write up of some ideas I had for events that would lead to a viral campaign for Robert Swan. I also attached logos I worked on which steered more towards the idea we talked about with Cheryl of making things more bold and standing out more. I just played around and am not sure if any of them will be suitable but I posted what I worked on.


Focusing on reaching parents while engaging their children with hands on activities. This would probably focus on children anywhere between 7 and 12. Setting up workshops and activities which the parents can bring their children to and while they are preoccupied the parents can attend their own seminars. Lecture can be held to teach parents easy ways to introduce recyclable materials and eco-friendly habits into their home lives and teach them to children.

Children's activities would be set up to teach the kids about what materials are recyclable and which are not. Set up sort of Field days with different competitive games which kids can get excited about but be learning at the same time.

Dumpster Dive: A set up dumpster with different recyclable and non recyclable materials. Kids form teams and have to go through their dumpster and find recyclable materials and build something out of them. First team done wins a prize

Scavenger Hunt: pick a public space and have the children help to clean the litter while locating specific materials. Beneficial in teaching them about recycling while cleaning up a park.

Digging in the Dirt: Parent/child composting workshop

Post Card Contest: Have children draw a postcard and winner's actually gets sent out

High School Students

Introduce a project of organizing, fundraising for, and holding a concert to raise awareness.

Put the kids in charge of different booths with activities and entertainment

Have auditions for local bands
T-shirt design concert, and then sales.
Have sales to raise money, make jewelry, look for sponsors.
Local business sponsors-maybe a chinese auction, or selling coupon books

In correspondence with this maybe a film festival, teams make a short film to raise awareness. Films will be played and judged at concert, winning team will receive some sort of prize. (donated?)

Actual Event:
Activity/game/information booths
Film Contest (Make it a battle of the grades type of thing, Freshman vs Sophomores vs Juniors vs Seniors? friendly competition always entices student participation)


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hi everyone, I've posted my logos for Robert Swan. I decided to focus on the concept of time and see how I could develop it into a logo.

Meg Cheryl i thought you might like this

Monday, November 2, 2009

Looking for work to be posted here

Hey everybody, checking here to see if you've posted work. Please do by Wednesday's class time so we can keep things moving.



Thursday, October 29, 2009

Class asignments

Hi guys,

I'm pasting this in and will also upload the pdf so you can see the formatting. I will be checking the blog for your work this week. Enjoy your free coming Wednesday, we'll make it up, please see schedule.

Design for Good

Class assignments and schedule, October 29th, 2009



Wednesday, November 4th

No class. Assignments should be posted on the blog and I will review each individually. We’ll have a make-up class on Sunday the 22nd

Assignment due before the 4th: 

1. Robert Swan logos: Please post them everybody and I will write notes. Together we will choose your favorite and most successful logo 

2. Concepts for the campaign for Robert Swan.  This is what we discussed last week, the campaign to reach youth. Several weeks ago we went through each of the audiences you chose, and wrote messages for them. Your assignment now is to develop concepts for how you will design a campaign to engage your audience to support Robert and his initiative. What you can do for this coming Wednesday is sketch or write your ideas. I’ll help you move them along so you can present rough designs for the 11th

Wednesday, November 11th. CLASS MEETS FROM NOW ON

Assignment due:

1. Robert Swan logos, applied in an identity program including in context on his web site, CD label, business card, brochure.

We will review in class and clarify next steps for the class on the 18th

2. Design sketches for your program for Robert Swan to reach youth. We’ll continue to work on these and refine them together.

3. Your favorite species. Come prepared to talk about what you’ve chosen. We will discuss next steps and the research you’ll need to do.  You don’t have to do anything but come prepared to tell us what you’ve chosen and why

Wednesday, November 18th

Assignment due:

1. Final refinements of Robert Swan logo, further refinements of identity program and program for youth. We will discuss preparations for the presentation to Robert

2. Rough sketches on your work to support your favorite species. We will discuss this together so you know exactly what’s needed.


Assignment due:

1. All materials for Robert Swan. We will spend this class putting together a presentation for Robert with all work and logic framework. This will be a valuable class for you, because you will learn the essential skills for presenting your work to clients and selling it.

2. Be prepared to discuss your choice of PopTech Fellow and why. This assignment will carry over into the spring semester, I will make connections for you so that you can speak to your fellow and understand what they need. We will continue to discuss this each class until the break, then begin work in earnest in January

Wednesday, November 25th

Presentation to Robert Swan. This will probably have to be video conference or skype, I will coordinate

Wednesday, December 2nd

Assignment due:

1. Any refinements to the work that arise based on our presentation to him

2. Concept designs to support your favorite species. These will take the form of a book. 

Wednesday, December 9th

Assignment due

1. Any lingering details for Robert Swan so that we turn over files to him that he can use

2. Final designs for your favorite species

3. Continued discussion of PopTech Social Innovation Fellow

4. A surprise one week assignment to summarize all you know. You will use color, images, type and design format to create impact.

Wednesday, December 16th

Bring all the work you’ve done for the semester. We will have a review of all of it, and discuss how far you’ve come, what you learned, what you want to learn, and plans for the spring.


Wednesday, December 23rd

I think we’ll be celebrating the holidays


It’s going to be great.

Clients will include

Your PopTech Fellow.

Will Allen:

and the Case Foundation

We will end the spring semester with an exhibit of your work.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Thanks for getting in touch, and I appreciate the heads up about the confusion. We just landed in Mumbai last night and it's still quite early here, so we haven't seen anything yet.

Sorry about the confusion, but I'm glad you like Lina, she's great.

I will post a schedule of assignments and schedule for the rest of the year within a day or two - I'll also let you know when it's on the blog, just in case the notices don't go out.

I am trying to provide enough variety for you in terms of projects, without overwhelming. I want you to end up with some exciting design to show, that's connected to real life issues.

Take care, and speak to you soon.



Monday, October 26, 2009

2041 Highschool Outreach Plan

Hi all, I'm posting what I wrote up for Sunday's class since we ran out of time. This is a really rough document so please excuse any grammatical/spelling errors.

2041 Recycle Challenge OVERVIEW

Objective: To educate students about 2041 and get them involved in the organization. Students will learn how to live green and what they can do to educate others. The campaign should create viral buzz, related press and donations.

Mission: The 2041 Recycle Challenge is a nationwide competition for any K-12 school where participating schools compete against each other in a recycling challenge. Students are asked to find sponsors, whether it be a small business owner or a large corporation, to donate a certain denomination per recycled bottle, can or pound of paper. Students are encouraged to get creative in how they bring in recyclables, can they organize a neighborhood donation point? How can they get business involved in submitting their recyclables? Half of the sponsored money will go to the school and the other half will go towards 2041. Students and schools can keep track of their progress through a global “leader board” via the 2041 Recycle Challenge website, twitter or facebook. The top three schools will not only generate the most money for themselves and 2041, but also receive a “School Takeover” sponsored by MTV, VH1, etc. (FPO?)

Results: To encourage teamwork and leadership through a competitive challenge benefitting the environment, education and 2041. Students will not only be educating themselves and others about the benefits of recycling, they will have fun doing it.

Website: The 2041 Recycle Challenge website will be a hub for all aspects of the contest. On the home page, anyone can look up a school and find out how many items they have recycled and how they are placing on the leader board. The website will also contain information about 2041, recycling and going green. Videos of Robert Swan encouraging students and explaining the contest will also be available. Potential news reports will be posted as well. Principals or the designated contest runners can log in to post their school’s current recycling amount which will update real time once it is submitted. The website will also have the option for principals or contest runners to enter the specific breakdown of recyclables (such as paper, cans, bottles) which will be displayed in chart form so students can see how much they consume.

Designed Material:
1. Website
2. Information Brochure with DVD
3. Sponsor sign up form
4. Posters? School take over signs?

How it works:

Step 1: Get schools interested in the contest and 2041 by sending out informational packets to Principals. Included would be an information booklet containing the following:

1. Background about 2041 and Robert Swan
a. What the organization does for the environment
b. How important it is to instill green habits early on
c. How the organization will use the money generated from the contest

2. General contest information
a. rules
b. regulations
c. prizes

3. How to get started
a. Points to the website where Principals can use a sign up form to enter their school
b. Inform the students of the contest using the included DVD with Robert Swan explaining 2041, global warming,
benefits of recycling, and motivating the students to win the contest.
c. Set up recycling bins around the school and keep track of how many items are recycled
d. Submit amount of recycled items to the leader board website
e. Track the schools progress on the website and encourage students to check it often to see how they are
fairing against other schools.

4. How to get sponsors
a. Copy the enclosed sponsor sign up form and hand out to students.
b. Encourage students to go big or go local, sponsors can range from big companies to mom and pop shops to their
next door neighbor.
c. Explain where the sponsorship money is going; half to support 2041’s green initiative, the other half for
their school to use.

5. Make the contest your own!
a. Schools are encouraged to become inventive in how they motivate students to participate. Perhaps schools can
create competition between grades and offer their own prize?

Step 2: Continue promoting the contest and talk to the media and bloggers about what is happening. Try to secure sponsorships for the whole contest from companies willing to chip in for the prize. For example, Macy’s could offer a gift card to every winning student in return for advertising on the leaderboard website or during the school takeover.

Step 3: Announce the winning schools and arrange for the school takeover. (FPO?) Ensure final sponsorship money is collected and distributed to 2041 and the schools.

Friday, October 23, 2009


Hey guys,

Cheryl emailed, she doesn't have her laptop and asked if I could relay the message to be ontime to the rescheduled class on Sunday. It's from 6-9 and Robert Swan will be there so don't be late!


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

interesting article

Saturday, October 17, 2009

About Sunday the 25th

Hey guys,
I completely forgot I have a wedding to go to on Sunday the 25th and won't be able to make it to the added class that day. I don't know if Cheryl will check this blog at all so do any of you have her email address or phone number? Thanks!!!


Thursday, October 15, 2009

what looks like a interesting film about organic food - comes out friday at QUAD

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

We are meeting next Sunday, the 25th at the SVA main building at 6:00PM at the classroom (Pizza will be ordered!). We are not meeting this coming Wednesday. Cesar, Tess and Chei we love you and please come! <3

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I'm sorry I could not make it to class, please take a look at my work and comment. I am promoting a vegetarian diet as a solution for global warming.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

List of the different names from the 2041 website.

Antarctic 2041
E- Base
IATe 2009 (International Antarctic Treaty Expedition)
IAE (Inspire Antarctic Expedition)
Leadership on the Edge program
VFCE (Voyage for Cleaner Energy)

If they are any others you guys notice just add to the list!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Saturday, September 26, 2009

i would like to share this interesting film about the food that we eat hpefully it will inspire you the way it inspired me ...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hi all, you can post to this blog by accepting the invitation sent to you and signing in with your google id or creating a new one. After that, go to your dashboard and you should see this blog listed under "Manage Blogs". Now you can post!