Here’s the scoop. Sorry to miss so many of you last Wednesday.
There will be no class this Wednesday, April 7th.
We will meet on Wednesday, April 14th. Please see assignments below.
A make-up class will be a dinner on Friday evening the 16th.
For the April 14th class.
1. Bring a full exploratory of logos for Tripping Bear, finished enough to present. Also design letterhead, envelope, business and home page of their web site using your favorite design. Please remember to add either “Design” or “Engineering” to whichever name you are using.
We have a client presentation on the 21st, so it’s time to bring designs that are fully realized. You have two weeks.
2. Also bring your information graphic posters - finished. No more sketches or “Here’s what I’m thinking of doing.” Do it.
At the dinner on the 16th, we will prepare for the client presentation, and we will discuss plans going forward for I Mother Nature. Please bring whatever thoughts you have for that project then. I'll let you know as we get closer where we'll meet for dinner
If you have questions about this, please contact me immediately. I will be available to answer and clarify, but won’t be overly amused if you show up without the assignment and tell me you didn’t understand.
Tine, thought you would appreciate the current New Yorker cover.
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