Monday, November 16, 2009

2 0 4 1 

In general when writing this I’m thinking of 2041 as something larger. And though I’m not the biggest supporter of growth I’m convinced this organization has to grow.  

Robert Swan would still be the leading character but it cant be dependent on him. Its not efficient and it will not be possible for him to go on as he’s doing. He needs a plan.

2041 needs to have a simple message to circle around, a main goal. ex 

”preserve Antarctica”

”become a leader in saving the environment”

”journey for cleaner energy”

2041 needs a headquarter, preferably in London. 

2041 needs money, to get started they should look in to government funding and private sponsors. Then they should have membership based supporters. 

You become a supporting member for $30-50 a year. 

In return you get a magazine 6 times a year. 

Other gadgets for members could be:

– A really nice poster to hang on the wall, made by an artist. A new poster are produced every year on the theme Antarctica or environment (a suggestion of a poster could be: 10 daily things u can do to live green)

– A wall calender

– Stickers

NB > No unnecessary products, no teddy bears, mugs etc. All the things are made by recycled paper and easy (flat) to send in the mail.


The magazine will be high quality and also possible to buy in normal stores. The magazine is about environmetlal concern but not entirely. A wide magazine that’s interesting for different ages (see The Big Issue, New York, The New Yorker, Life Magazine) with top articles by top journalists and great photography/illustrations. 




Before or instead of having a certification (below) the company have a day of green thinking. With the help from 2041 (a person or a visual guide, possibly from the web page) the company does everything to minimaze it’s footprint. They switch light bulbs, recycle, look in to unneccery use of energy and use of products (wich also save alot of money) etc. 


Certificate B

Having a person from 2041 to educate the management and staff in using less energy, recycle etc. After this the company gets a 2 month test period to change things around, if the pass the company gets an environmental certificate. The 2041 restrictions will be strict. If a company passes the 2041 restriction this means that they accomplish something that is though to achieve. A person from 2041 will show once a year to see if they are still valid of having the certificate. Passing this test gives the company the certificate. Having Certificate B results in:

– Get a diploma

– Show it on their web page

– Have it in their marketing towards costumers (yeah, we gotCertificate B)

Certificate A

The company looks at what in the production and office they can change to have a minimal footprint. That is; what can the company do to cut fossil fuels/energy consumption. And they do it (for real), people from 2041 control the process every 2 month. It is also highly recommended that a company donates money to the FUND. 

Having Certificate A results in:

–  Allow them to use the logo on their products

–  Be shown at the web page under the file ”certificated corporations 2009”. 

–  Have ads in the magazine to a reduced price

–  Have Robert Swan come talking


The logo will communicate ”good will” and be proof to customers that this company does what it can to minimize its footprint and also paying attention to global warming and Antarctica. The most important thing with this is trust. The consumer must be sure that this is not another green wash logo. Therefore the restrictions to be allowed to use the logo are very strict and will be fully explained (with real world examples) on the 2041 web page. An idea is to use similar standards as WWF.


Money can be donated in a fund. Will keep 2041 running and focus on preservation of Antarctica and education. 2041 also make deals with companies to be visible sponsors and linked to the yatch, education etc.


Don’t believe in having a lot of different things to hand out, the web page is the best tool. The page today looks ok but are to boring and messy. I know nothing of webdesign and would suggest that someone with knowladge in this give it a go.

Printed matter would contain:

1 simple catalog, who says it all (not 4 or 5)


Overall identity (overall graphics, letterhead, business card etc.)


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